
RecruitBot is an AI powered sourcing platform for finding qualified candidates 5X faster than LinkedIn.


Grow awareness of RecuitBot and develop a digital-marketing led path to growth through systematic lead generation + Video | Social media posts | Conference deck

Explainer Video

We redesigned the RecruitBot home page and introduced an explainer video to quickly explain how the platform worked. Early results showed a 250% increase in website-generated leads month-over-month.

Social media posts

LinkedIn is a primary platform on which to engage recruiters. We grew awareness of RecruitBot on LinkedIn by publishing original and visually engaging social media posts, garnering tens of thousands more content impressions than RecruitBot had in the past.

Conference deck

RecruitBot’s target audience of recruiters frequently attends conferences and shows. We designed a new presentation deck for RecruitBot with embedded videos giving the audience a direct glimpse into the platform’s capabilities.

Let’s Get Started

If you’re the leader at a Fintech company, and you’re ready to take
your marketing to the next level, let’s connect.

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